I'm typing with my right hand while my left is stabbing at bits of tuna left over in a tinfoil take-home dish. A new Thai-owned French restaurant just opened up on the corner of Soi Preedee 15 on Sukhumvit 71 Rd. in between a few air conditioner repair places and seedy karaoke joints. Odd because it's an odd spot for a restaurant to open and a very odd spot for a restaurant selling soups, salads, crepes, and ten types of red and white wines. Seems to be busy though.
I'm busy too. Just finished midterm exams and my first solo advertising shoot last week. I've been bragging about the ad shoot to everyone who'll listen because it seems exciting to me. Exciting in that I didn't screw up or injure anyone in front of a room full of people.
Last Saturday, the 4th years of BUIC's student government/fraternity had a going-away party for the younger years. We're not really going anywhere just yet, but we did have a budget surplus and this is the time of year when 3rd year students take the wheel. Dinner was at a riverside restaurant and was a lot of fun. The 3rd year students gave us all personalized awards too, I'll post a picture.
Yesterday, I met up with P'Oun, then stopped by the MRD concert at Moon Star Studios in Lardprao. Didn't expect the huge crowds. I had my new Canon with me so P'Oui and I took advantage of spare 'technician' passes and crawled around in front of the stage. Besides the television cameraman's cable-carrying assistant repeatedly trampling over me, it was a fun evening. More pics below.
This week I'm on "spring break". I plan to make some plans before the end of the week. Need to figure out what the hell it is I am doing this next year..
Next week will be busy too. Back to school and 16 environmental portraits of the (fixed) "Teachers of the Year" for the university news magazine. It's a lot of work but I shouldn't complain because this is exactly the type of work I need to be doing right now.