Feb 21, 2006

Today I had midterms again. First was Critical Reading, then Statistics. Both seemed pretty easy but both are widely know to be...unknowns. Both teachers wrote tests full of odd grammatical and spelling mistakes that could easily turn into the students "not understanding the material". Luckly I wasn't the only one feeling that way, so I may have some chance if I get a suprise grade. I won't even go into the "F" I got with my partner a few weeks ago on a Stats presentation.

This weekend was plesant. I watched the FA cup quarterfinal with friends at a pub across from the university on Saturday, then went to a big foreign band concert Sunday because Bodyslam and Big Ass had passes for P'Oui and me.

I have a new phone with a camera by the way...

Tomorrow I have a mild midterm on Modern Presentation Techniques. Should be anyway.

Feb 14, 2006

Safe to say it has been a while since I last posted. Sometime in the last month:

Toured around the North with Potato.
Started getting into my new classes.
Cleaned my room a few times.
Invited Elye over to my place twice.
Contracted several computer viruses.
Went to a political demonstration.
Traded in my phone for a new one.
Lost 140 phone numbers switching phones.
Bangkok's winter ended.

Because I simply can't remember details anymore, I'll just talk about the weather and my new classes at school.

Very sudden changes in the weather. Cool and dry switched rapidly to hot as hell and humid. Just yesterday my area had its first rain (a sprinkle) in months (on my count). The horizon has been dark the past week so I assume other parts of the city have had a bit more. The news is already talking of floods in the South, and expected rainfall. It's not even that time of year yet!

Thai weather reminds me a good bit of Florida actually. The winters are beautiful. Perfect temperatures and blue skies. Summers are long, hot, and have daily showers from 2:45pm until a bit after 5, sometimes longer. Just long enough to get traffic gridlocked. Glad summer isn't here yet.

School is...OK. I have interesting classes and some downright angering ones.