A New Year
I haven't posted in several months. Shame on me.
Late November, I was attacked by a gang of trade school students who though I was a student a rival school. It's been a sore subject (ha) which I wasn't particularly excited to blog about. I'm better now, albeit rather swollen. No permanent injuries; got lucky. I've also been very lucky to have the constant support of my family, friends and teachers.
Lots to do.
Today was the beginning of my last semester at BU, which means I'm very close to being catapulted off a cliff into the real world. I'm
I photographed students for BU News Magazine's annual Student of the Year issue last week. This is exciting because this issue will be printed in color with big photos. BU News had previously been the 1950's television set of school news magazines and the university is trying to change that. This morning we shot some awards that students had won, which will hopefully be the cover for this issue.

Last month I photographed a couple graduation ceremonies. Tomorrow, I have a graduation party to shoot in the evening. This should allow me to save enough cash to make a new batch of business cards and postcards, for promotional mailings; which will (fingers crossed) lead to more work.
In the next couple weeks I'm going to need to find a graduate school and a way to pay for it, then apply. Not sure how I'm going to take GREs and prepare paperwork/portfolios in time for application deadlines though.
Have to file insurance claims too. This requires translating police reports, hospital receipts (a friend's family paid), and medical certificates. Need get my back and ribs examined too. I'm so bored of hospitals, police stations, and medicine right now. I'm sure Mai is too; she's been with me at alot these appointments. She says she's there for moral support but I'm almost certain she's probably secretly kicking the asses of corrupt policemen and unorganized hospital employees behind-the-scenes.
I'm teaching now. I was asked by the BU Language Institute to teach a four-week program of conversational English. I'll teach two sections from 10.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00. I hear class sizes will be 30-40, which will be be something very different for me. Should be interesting...