Wish I'd known about this place earlier. I first heard about it last week, when one of the students I was photographing suggested his team take a group photo at TCDC. "TC what?" I have to admit I was tired and pushing for the deadline (more in a bit..) so my brain wasn't too excited when some suggesting packing up, traveling, and re-shooting in a shopping mall. So, I filed the place's name somewhere in the back of my head with all the other jung, figuring I'd check it out the next time I was at the Emporium.
Today, P'Oy and P'Oun asked me to drop off a package their design company needed to send to this same mall. I said sure, because it's pretty close to my house and they said it was urgent. Around 4pm I re-read the instructions on the package:
TCDC. 6th floor, Emporium
Name Card Festival 2008 Application
Three Dot Design
Sweet! So I googled it, then ran like a mad man to MBK and found a shop to print the required 300 cards. Print quality wasn't too hot, nor was the price, but I was 2 hours from the entrance deadline the package from Three Dot's marketing deptartment still siting in my backpack.
I turned in both applications in time and received a discount on a 15-month membership (600 baht) at the TCDC Library... which is something every student should have access to. This library is actually quiet, comfortable, has interesting books and periodicals, and should be a wonderful place to study. I'm excited to take my Media and Society slides and read at the TCDC tomorrow evening.
Midterms are near. Wednesday, Thur, Fri, Sat, Fri. Odd schedule. Bad news is that there's one week of class between the end of midterms and the midterm break. Also an odd schedule, but I think I'll make it through.
The BU News deadline that I mentioned above isn't as close as August and I had thought. No news is good news? The September and October months are a single issue, which we had thought was a October/November issue. Which means that I just finished the November issue's story and I have almost two months to prepare for the December issue.
I think I'm going to try and head to the village this Sunday and return Tuesday night. It's been too long and I'll have several days to kill before the last exam on the 3rd. Looking forward to fresh air/food and familiar faces.