I'm tired as hell but too guilty to sleep just yet. I haven't posted in a couple weeks even though I had promised myself that I would.
Last week I did more work as a guitar tech for Peacemaker, with shows next to my house, then in the Southern province of Trang. I managed to loose my wallet on that trip too. I feel really sorry for the person who found my wallet. Instead of trying to return the wallet (they can keep the cash), they removed my BU Student ID, my drivers license, some photos of my friends, and who knows what else to get to the last thing in the wallet: my credit card. This pisses me off. When somebody finds a wallet what goes through their mind?
"Jeez, I bet this kid's really missing this thing, I forward it to his school because I would expect the same."
"Screw this kid. It's my karma that brought me this wallet and cash."
"Screw this kid. It's my karma that brought me this wallet and cash. I'm also going to empty his bank account."
What an asshole. My sweet Grandmother told me that a couple letters arrived informing us that the credit card had been used with a false keycode. I guess the person who found my wallet just wasn't satisfied with the 2,500 baht it had in it. I was more than เซ็ง all the way to and back from Trang because I had just lost my wages for doing this (22 hours total driving time) trip, lifting equipment, doing sound checks, and watching out for the guitarists. Oh well. I got to see Trung a bit.
After we got back, Fam and I went and helped out at the shooting of Potato's new video คนกลาง at their old elementary school.
Yesterday our teacher took us to the City Campus recording studio. I never knew this existed. It was like finding a secret door or passageway. Inside were several studios and technicians floating around in light brown shirts. While demonstrating the use of a mixing board the professor added that he was glad someone had sent him an email about how excited they were to be doing "real communication arts things" vs. the day to day English refreshers that have become ever so boring. This was my email (I guess).
I've decided to get back in touch with P'Ekk the producer/bassist that I was hanging out with last year. We live in the same neighborhood and are both serious about producing an album of our own with "quick" being the keyword. No fooling around, just writing music we like, recording, and hoping others like it too. If it doesn't work, we didn't waste any time. The drummer we've got our eyes on is P'Oon, who I went to Phugradueng with on New Years and did an AB Normal concert with. Oon lives just around the corner and is an excellent musician. He already has a band, about to make a national release, so we'll see if he ends up having time to work with us.
Midterms are coming up soon. As are my Sister and Mother.