Well I missed my first class today! My family would be proud. However, I did get a doctor's note and a damn good excuse for not going.
I had a pretty bad throat ache yesterday, and woke up with a worse one this morning. For some reason, as soon as I started to walk around I decided that I needed to go to the doctor.
I went to class first. Communicative English with my hip Australian teacher, Wade. We listened to a radio program about student unions in Australian universities, taking notes, then played some word games. At the break, Wade told me that I will no longer need to some to class on Wednesdays (Tue. + Wed. = 2 day break) and can volunteer at BU's hangout-spot across the road a few times instead. This is basically a coffee shop where Thai-program students come to practice English skills. I don't yet see any downside to hanging out with some kids and speaking English (or Thai). Sounds like it should be fun.
Back to class... afterwards I asked what the medical scene was like around the U. He said he had been to the hospital, place where doctors are kept, twice. He had visited two hospitals in the Victory monument area and highly recommended the hospital with all the military guys running around. So, I took a motorcycle taxi to the Skytrain, then road the BTS, feeling pretty bad by now, to Victory Monument.
After a good walk, and some directions, I found the place. Filled out the blue form when I walked in, went to the counter, got escorted to the next building, another counter, then started waiting. I waited with maybe ten other people for about 30 minutes in a dimly-lit lobby watching TV. I was actually getting kind of worried at this point. I couldn't stop shaking, knew I had a fever, ears throbbing, dizzy, white patches in my throat, swollen glands, and a headache. Strept throat was my guess. I read before school on a health website that you need a throat swab within 2 days to test for the Strept bacteria. Anyways, after 30 minutes a nurse came and turned on the lights. This was the opening time for office visits that day. After maybe 45 minutes and a nurse check, I saw a doctor. The doctor listened to me, looked at my throat, said hmm a few times, then made a lot of check marks on my folder. I then went and got some medicine, and a school release-slip :D
The medicine came to 160 baht or about $5 US. Probably close to $100 in drugs in the US, easily. I got a lot for the money. I had not heard of the drugs, but I have a feeling they are fairly strong. 3 different types of pills and a spray were given to me. I still don't know if I have Strept throat. Elye says that when he went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, he was told he had tonsillitis which is VERY similar in symptoms to Strept. The doctor said this is a common thing, and comes from BKK's air. Not sure I believe this part, but that's what I heard anyways. Whatever I have, it sucks. Walking, standing, or doing anything really are tough activities. Rest, water, tons of pills, and sleep await.