Jun 18, 2005
Licenced To Kill.... well actually, just to drive

Originally uploaded by Nongchai.
Today I got my licence. Not particularly useful when you consider that I only have 2 more days in the country. It was nice to get it thought, I have been waiting a long time.
Very busy, but I can't say why.... Not because its a secret, I just don't know why its so busy. Lots of packing, I'll post a picture of some packing decisions.
Anything I might forget?
Jun 16, 2005
Jun 13, 2005
No News Is OK News
Well, I haven't heard anything back from BU about mailing me a visa, so it looks like I'll be ditching the group as soon as we get to BKK, so that I can take a cab to the U. Eh... it should be fun.
I graduated (sort of) Friday. Lots of fun: great speeches, interesting band sets, and a real fierce party waiting for me when I got home. Sometime after I leave I will be mailed my real diploma.
Everyone in the house is leaving for meetings next week, so it'll be just me and suitcases to fill. I'll think of something to do.
Jun 7, 2005
Its In!
Aaron got in last night. Nice to see him again. Today I took m mothers car and we drove to a big town about an hour or so out of the city. Lots of fun. Today was my last day for one class.... tomorrow should top it off.
I just got off the phone with BU and they did receive my check several says ago. I didn't know that... but oh well. Now we have the time crunch. 2-? days processing time in different departments, 5-10? days mailing time to the US, and 3-5 days in a visa office in OR. All needs to be done by Saturday the 18th. Hmmm...
If we can't get it done that quickly, I will be forced to take 2-5 days in Singapore or Malaysia sightseeing while I wait on the visa to process. Darn. Its a hard life.
Jun 4, 2005
Finishing Up
Today was the last day of real highs chool days for me. Two more half-days, a senior group photo Wednesday, a rehearsal day, and Friday I will Graduate. I don't seem to be tooooo excited yet. Maybe it will set in soon.
I called BU! I got a Thai lady in the office. The man I need to talk to will be back in the office Monday. I have hope. I think the letter will arrive Monday. :) So much drama over this parcel.... several posts and a good bit of worrying. I need to go back to chilling out a little more. Thanks to my bud Levi on that one.
I've been getting some encouraging emails from some professional photographers recently. That has been nice. I'll have to work on really getting the business going once I am settled in BKK.
Today I went to the Asian Art museum by SAM, in Seattle. I jumped on the bus (quite literally) with my mom in the afternoon. It was a lot of fun. Great exhibit on Buddhism and a cool art library too.
That's all for now. Aaron, my uncle, gets in Sunday from San Diego. Then the rest of the family arrives throughout the week. Things should really start going by faster soon. At least, I hope they will.