Sep 1, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy, Cough.

School has started again. The first term of '07-'08 is in it's second week. My take on the classes I'm in?

Public Relations as Communication Management - A true PR course. One group project and occasional homework.
Writing for Public Information - "Journalistic, creative writing, in advertising and public relations contexts." Lots of writing and test, but sounds like fun and a chance to improve a bit.
Political Communication - Entire 2 hr. period spent reading a PowerPoint course outline slide (singular) aloud to us and explaining the meaning of words we wouldn't understand. A waste. 4th year students tell me it won't get any better.
Critical Analysis of Messages - Graduate level reading assignments. I needed almost an hour to get through the one page handout. Dr.K loves to remind us how well-read she is. I'll learn a lot.
Communication Consulting and Training - Learn to host training and consulting seminars! Yahoo! Prof. is very good and course work should be very informative. Group project.
International Communication - Group project is huge.

Looking at pictures in Flickr you'll see that Ton, Ying, Nes, and I went on a trip together to kill time before school started. We went West to the Mae Klong river and stayed at a home-stay on the river. Then we came back East, past Bangkok, and South to Koh Chang. The bus broke down and we ended up at Koh Lan (Thousand Island) instead. We stayed in another home-stay, rented motorcycles, cruised around and took pictures, crashed the motorcycles, and came back to start school.

I took some pictures of my new apartment as well!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just happened to stumble on your site when I was googling "BU Thailand study," though in no way did I mean Bangkok University by BU; I meant Boston University by BU. I searched google because of my interest in doing a summer internship at Grammy in Bangkok next summer if I go there. Everytime I go to Thailand, there are people who try to push me to enter the entertainment arena there because they say that "loug kreungs are all the rage right now". I'm sure you can identify with this experience. However, hesitant of joining an industry in which every female must be half-dressed and seen by an entire country of strangers, I decided to take the conservative route and maybe just gain some job skills for my resume by doing a summer internship at Grammy. I figured that I might as well take a summer class at a Thai university while I'm there for extra credits (it turns out that Boston University doesn't have a study abroad program there).
Not to sound too stalkerish :o) but I have read through your site and I was so surprised that it turned out to be a blog of a half Thai/half American guy who's a student at BU (Bangkok University) and works for Grammy. I found it so comical that I stumbled upon a "BU" student who works for Grammy (kinda like what I'd like to be next summer!)
Truely, I'm ecstatic to have finally found someone else who is half Thai/half North American; someone of my own kin so to say. I've lived in Thailand, Canada, Florida, everywhere but I've never met anyone I could identify with (am I the only half Thai in the world who isn't half-dressed and dancing around on the stages of Thailand?).
Myself, I'm half French-Canadian/half Thai. Like yourself, I also speak Thai fluently. However, unlike you I have no Thai peers at all so I really am an isolated Thai. Sorry to be boring you with my life story but I just wanted to thank you for creating this site. It's really empowering to see some other half Thai/half North American (I've found someone else from my kin finally! Hooray!) By the way, is it only me but does it seem really comical that we're both BU students (you- Bangkok University, me-sophomore at Boston University), both half Thai/half North American, both fluent in Thai, both fans of Potato? Maybe it's just me but I feel like I'm not supposed to have stumbled upon your site. In other words I'm happy that I did. Please keep posting and I promise not to write such a long entry next time! -Jasmine

9/16/2007 12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been a month; we need an update! Love, G.B.

9/30/2007 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/09/2007 10:21 AM  

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