I am now one full week into the month of June and am still unemployed. There are two restaurants that took interest in my application: a barbecue restaurant on the other side of town and a Thai carry-out place on the same end of town. Neither has expressed any desire to hire me quickly but both seems interested at least. I'm enjoying some time to relax after finishing finals and flying here. Having fun. But I really need a job... and soon.
The last two days have been depressingly gray and rainy. A couple nights ago we actually had a lightning storm (odd for this area). I sure hope the weather goes back to sunny with a light breeze, and soon. I can't take much of this dark sky stuff.
I've been looking for things to keep my mind busy during the last couple weeks. I have been running around with Renee, practicing guitar, reading a bit, and watching movies. What movies? I knew you'd ask. Blazing Saddles, A Scanner Darkly, An Inconvenient Truth, and the fourth season of Scrubs. Next weekend my grandparents are going on a business trip for more than a week which means I will be bored and l o n e l y . Hopefully I'll have a job before this weekend. If not... House Party!! Nah. Just kidding G'pa and G'ma. I'm not sure who I would invite anyways
Wish me luck!

If you have a house party, at least clean up! G'ma
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