I'm going back! On the first day of August. Today my mother and I pooled our penny banks to produce a collective $1000 USD. China Airlines seemed offer the best "deal" so I snatched it up. Hopefully this will put me back in BKK in time for รับน้อง activities.
Its been busy. The last couple days I woke up at 6am and walked to work at one restaurant by the water. That shift lasts until 2pm. Then I take a nap before my 4:30-2am shift at a different restaurant. It's worth it I think. I now have a ticket home and am working towards a working computer.
Last weekend Elye came back. Seeing a good friend helped bring my sanity back a bit. We went on a camping trip to the natural hot springs up in the mountains. Spent the weekend soaking in hot baths and next to campfires. It was a great trip. Two weekends ago my sister Renee and I went sailing and then camped on Whidbey Island. We slept in the car together which wasn't as comfortable as the trip Elye and I did. Both were fun though.
In the last two weeks I've sat down hoping to write some of my experiences down but failed to do so each time I sat down in front of the computer. Sitting down just felt so good it. I would just sit and eventually forget why I sat down in the first place.
I've applied for a credit card to buy a MacBook. Thank you to the person who insisted computer problems are universal. I appreciate the tip but I think my decisiveness is driven by my mistrust for PC's. Just had too many problems. I'll give Mac problems a try for a while. Free printer and iPod sounds appealing too. For now it's: work work work.
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