I'm in the US now. Nice to see family and some friends again. The weather has been ok, but a little cold for me. In the last 3 days I have walked around and looked for jobs at local restaurants. It's been very hard at times when I'm missing Thailand. Everywhere I go there's something that reminds me of this year and how much fun I had there. The only good part about getting your heart broken is that it makes writing songs easier. I plan to do a bit of that and keep my promise to P'ake and P'oon.
The morning of the airport went without too many problems. Nammon fell asleep while talking me through packing my bags haha. I felt sorry for her. We we're both really tired. We both have I-Mobile phones too. Nammon's phone turned itself off and was turned back on again at 9.00 about a half hour after I took off. The taxi driver didn't have change, the airline counter wanted a 700 tax fee, I had no money. Oh well.
I just started raining. It is 6am Sunday morning and I am underneath my blanket in the attic. Last night I drank some wine with dinner and just c r a s h e d until midnight, when back to sleep and just woke up. I miss Nammon a lot. I almost cry every time I see her online or want to call. I just can't talk to her right now, still too weak.
I'll know Monday if I have a job yet.

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