Getting close to finals. This means I have a lot of procrastination to do... errrr A lot of hard studying to do. My first final is on the 8th of May. Nammon and I have both been lucky enough to have finals everyday of the week, with no breaks in between. This is unusual because most schedules allow a 1-2 break between each class's final exam. Oh well, at least we'll finish quickly.
Good news. The 2007 Prom is not this week, before finals. It is on the weekend of the 19th, after finals are finished. This means I have more time to study, relax, and practice before heading into exams.
I'll be going back to Washington State next month. I changed my ticket this morning for the 23rd of May. I plan on getting a job and working as hard as I can for 2 months. I think that I will plan on returning in the middle of July. I shudder at the thought of leaving for this long, but it's something I have to do, right? After all, I'm not going to be very far away from friends. We'll still have MSN, email, telephones, cameras, and postcards. 2 months should go by quickly.
The karaoke video Nammon and I shot a month back has just been released. Grammy Light Pack 3 and 4. I bought the first VCD, Nammon's Dad bought the second. I'll post some screen shots hehe.

Thinking about where to work once I go back to Washington. I will (แน่ๆครับ) go crazy if I work in a stressful place like before (I don't want to say any names but, Nifty F****s). Great money, but I know I'll go crazy missing people in Thailand all day. I think that working somewhere more peaceful would be good. Maybe in the Co-op Grocery Store or a store downtown. Jobs in restaurants are always nice, though. Tips make the stress worth while. Either way I've got to remember to chill out as much as possible. I'll need to make it back to school in Bangkok sane.
Hey, Dan,
I'm having trouble locating your karaoke VCD on . America uses CD-G format (or .kar files) for karaoke, so I don't know if I could play it anyway--but please post how to buy it. Market yourself a little, na. Maybe a link to an online vendor's page with your stuff?
I hear one of the second-year students in the audio engineering program at Shoreline is Thai, but I haven't met her.
--Lung Paul
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