Last night at 2:30 the general on all channels was relpaced with a more pleasent looking woman who announced the military's intentions:
First coup announcement:
In reference to the council's announcement of its power seizure earlier, for the sake of peace and order to prevail in the country, the council has imposed nationwide martial law. The council has repealed the state of emergency declared on Sept 19 at 9.05pm. This announcement is made by Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin, head of the Democratic Reform Council.
Second coup announcement:
The council has ordered that all mobilisation and movement of military logistics and manpower be prohibited. Military personnel are absolutely not to leave their units without permission from the council.
Third coup announcement:
1. The current constitution, drafted in 1997, is now repealed.
2. The House of Representatives, the Senate, the Cabinet and the Constitution Court are now dissolved along with the abrogation of the constitution.
3. The privy councillors will remain in their duty.
4. The courts of justice, except the Constitution Court, will retain their full power to adjudicate cases according to the law and the announcements of the council.
P'Mo called to tell me school is canceled.
For the latest news, is best. Most Thai and foriegn media has been blocked to provent Taksin from making any orders or gaining support again.
The biggest danger is Taksin supporters who are daring enough to lauch a counter coup against the military. This is the reason for guns and tanks.

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