Sep 6, 2006

Monday I skipped class and went to the Disney Land of Thailand, Dream World. After months of doing freshman planning stuff, a trip with the other staff members was a great change.

The other day I got an email from a fashion student in Bangkok who would like me to shoot photos for the launch of her new clothing line. I'm excited about the project as it should be a good chance to get creative shots for her advertising campain and my portfolio. We'll be meeting at Starbucks next week to discuss details. I love organization which is why I couldn't stop smiling after I was told the models, location, themes, and prep-work were going to be done for me. All I need to do is take the damn photos. So simple.

Today I cleaned my room after I got home from school. Then I ate dinner and birthday cake with the family next to Momo's uncle's house. Then I had a glass of beer with my uncle and talked about the recent theft problem at my apartment.

This has been somewhat of a problem. The other day everyone on the fourth floor had their locks hammered in. Some rooms were broken into, some didn't open. My room didn't get hit, but the college kids across from me did. The whole doorknob came off.

Security here is normally not a problem. We have an electronic lock door, the apartment is located in a quiet area, everything is well-lit, and people are coming and going all day and night. I'm not too worried, but I would be pretty depressed if my computer, guitar, amp, or camera equipment was stolen. What would I do at night!?

I don't have to worry about my clothes being stolen. I have a collection of un-ironed clothes sitting in a blue basket beneath my ironing board. They are clean, but look like something both my mother and grandmothers would agree to frown upon. I'll tackle that tonight, or at least claim that I will.

30 seconds ago somebody called me about playing guitar tonight. Somebody I met on my street a couple months ago. Hmm...

*I'm back.*
P'Ekk was the person who called me. Ekk is a photographer I ran into a while ago while he was shopping with his mother. He asked me if I was a singer and I said "No. I just play guitar." He's been in a few bands and knows a lot of the same bands I do. We turn out to have quite a few mutual friends. Last year his band won Best New Band for Thailand, but broke up after people started getting jobs and families. Now he's planning on doing producing work at Sony with Moderndog's lead singer.

How do I fit into this? The band needs a guitar player (second). I listened to the stuff they recorded and we talked about music ideas, it all sounds pretty good to me. I have to play catch up and learn their old songs, while writing new ones with P'Ekk and the other guitarist. Next month is the same competition GBOB (Global Battle of the Bands), which they won last year and got sent to England for the final round. Sounds fun to me! This will mean having to play a couple hours a night and a weekly band practice before November.

Nope. No sailing. Turns out you have to be a CEO of a major foreign company, be transfered to Thailand, then pay $2000 a year to be a member. That doesn't include renting your boat and regatta fees. Sailing will be a graduate school and/or retirement sport.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Battle of the Bands? I went for the last year's one to see my friends play. Weirdest thing though the judges commented on their English pronounciations in one of their songs. The thing is that the singer speaks perfect English! Jeez.

Man your blog posts are simply your diary entries but the life you put in it is just looks so - alive.

9/08/2006 1:04 AM  

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