I'm so busy. If it wasn't fun being this busy, my head would have burst by now.
I never did iron those clothes. Instead I washed more clothes and made the iron pile larger.
I was stood up by the fashion student. Never showed up at Starbucks. I waited nearly 2 hours. Wish she had called to say she wasn't going to come.
Bought an effects pedal. It's built like a US tank: some parts have armor, others need it. Clean sounds are mind-blowing. The ECC83 tube gives it great tone. Distortion is so-so. I'm not used to using effects pedals so I'm gonna take the whole thing to P'Win's house in a few minutes and have him help me. He's put out 3 best-selling albums using the thing, so he should at least be able to how me where the power switch is.
Gave a statistics presentation today. Last term I failed this one. My team did very, very, little work this time. We wrote the report an hour before class. Why? Because this is the secret to good grades in this teacher's class. Last term I spent a week with my English partner doing a 100 person survey on transportation, wrote a good report, and got 40% out of 100%. Why? We only had 5 pages of graphs. Most Thai students faked surveys (my friends), double-copied pages of raw data, threw in ten pages of tables, and printed out their entire powerpoint slides full-page. 50 pages. A.
So what did I do this time? A 30 person survey, quick and simple report, long presentation, and 40 pages of graphs that all show the same thing in 6 different ways. Matches every other report in the class. A.
Yesterday I got a call from Fam, a friend from Grammy. A bunch of friends I hadn't seen for months had a job at my university. They were setting up a HotWave radio event at the university. I went early and took everybody (including the sound techs I didn't know) to my favorite resturaunt for noodles. After class I came back and talked with old friends Kala and Paradox, who I hadn't seen since last year. P'Bank, Bodyslam's main techie was there too so we talked about the Zoom effects for a while.
Today I bought new shoes. Yes, I am broke, but being broke and having toes showing through your old pair of Asics is even worse.

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