I haven't slept in awhile. Last night I did go and take pictures of the hotel room/home of John Mark Karr. Mathew Scott, a British writer, called me around 11 and asked me if I wanted to shoot the JonBenette Ramsey suspect's place in Bangkok. Taxi ride 100฿. The staff told me photographers from all over the world had been marching in all day wanting to rent Karr's room and take picture, all were told no. I tried sweet talking and pleaing with the desk staff for a good hour. Police were done with the room, had locked the door themselves, and nobody had entered since the suspect was arrested.
The staff took me up to take pictures of the door. Then the bicycle that was left behind. All the police helmets laying around... finally a bell man came and asked me how much I would get for a job like this. I asked how much he would want to get for a job like this. He said a lot. I said 1,000. He said more. I called the writer. 3000฿, out of my pocket, I'll be paid back later.
I rented an hourly rate (yes it isn't too far from that area of town) room and went up. Getty had just put an image on the wire of a room just like mine, saying it was similar to Karr's room. It wasn't, but I still took pictures incase. The bell man called me and we met at the 2nd floor elevator. He told me he had gone in the room once, just to look around, this would be his second time. We took the elevator to the 9th floor, then sent it to the 10th floor so the staff below wouldn't suspect anything.
The room was clean. Police took the sheets and everything else. Only Karr's two beer bottles were left behind. The room was a typical hourly/daily/monthly rate room I suppose. PVC curtains, old aircondioner in the window, bed taking up the main room, small bathroom dimly lit.
I took pictures for 10 minutes, then we hurried out. Getting caught would mean much more than a light spanking for the bell man.
I went back to my room, locked the door, took the elevator downstairs, checked out, and said "Thanks everyone." The bell man smiled and held the door for me on the way out.
Another 100฿ taxi ride and I'm broke. I got home around 2:30am and started writing to the editors that were running the story. After some googling I found out these were mostly all tabloid papers. Mathew told me just that, "It's just tabloid fluff." Mathew got a bill out of the hotel staff yeterday showing phone calls. Many of the numbers were cosmetic surgeons giving bids for an opperation... thats my guess for the story line.
I didn't get any sleep but I did get lots of phone calls from the New York Daily News, News of the World, and Daily News. LA Times and Seattle Times said they were interested but had no story to go with the pictures.
I took the bus to school at 8am and then took the tour bus with the team to Rungsit. We played a 7 on 7 tournament and won in penalty kicks. We had another match at noon, but I got a call from an editor and had to rush back.
I didn't make it to Stats. Just as well: I know what the book is and remember last year's first Stats class being 15 minutes long.

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