Sep 25, 2005

A Re-Cap: Pang

It's exhausting just thinking about it.

I woke up at 7:30, showered, dressed, and took a bus to school. Intro to Communication was yet another student-slideshow (6? of 20) on what they read in "their" chapter. Then they were graded on their pronunciation and stance during the 1hr presentation. This group got an A, but one student was scolded for looking at the screen to often. I'm excited for next semester.

At 3:30 I took a taxi to Mo Chit, then a tour bus to Lob Buri, in Eastern Thailand. This took many hours longer than it should have, and I really had no idea where I was going. I had P'Tum talk to a lady next to me, who told me to get off at Big C then take a motorcycle taxi to the hotel. I did just that, no problems. At the hotel we slept for a while, then P'tum and I had some food cause we were so hungry.

I was shooting a large concert put on for the princess. I never saw the princess BTW, but I was stopped from taking pictures while the royal photographers were there. There was another Grammy photographer. She was older than me, and we took turns shooting to avoid crowding. Afterwards, she told me that she worked in the office and just did came for fun! Looking at my pictures, afterwards, she strongly suggested applying soon as Grammy could use a photographer. The concert was inside Ramkamhaeng University's auditorium.
Work went pretty well. I got a few good pictures out of it and a really super-cool stage pass. Hot. Very hot. The room wasn't cooled, and the stage was packed with dimmers, lights, and speaker cabs all adding to the already hot Issan night.
So Cool played first, then Grammy's Dancers, and Pang as the headliner. Pang was great. The guys are a bit older than most Grammy bands, but are easily one of the top 20 in Thailand.
We were pretty quiet in the van on the way back. I slept... maybe that's why it seemed quiet.

Pang were all very nice, and wished me luck with everything as we dropped everyone at their houses.

I got dropped on the street somewhere along Praram 9 and took a taxi home. Got to sleep at 1:30.


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