Sep 20, 2005

Busy.. but not.

This last week seems like I have been swamped. I haven't been swamped at all.

Mid-terms are getting close which means my flight to the US is approaching too. I'll take off on the 11th and come back on the 18th. When you take 18hours off each end, I'm pretty sure I'll be left with 5 days to visit and enjoy my mid-term break. Not exactly a stunning deal for nearly a thousand dollars, but I am still excited to see everyone.

Speaking of mid-terms, I'm starting to settle into school. It's been pretty easy so far, so we'll see how the tests go. Actually... my first one is tomorrow! A "listening" test. A professor, on a "Learn to Study in English" CD, will give a 2 minute lecture, then I answer 25 multiple choice questions about what I heard. So... No studying really. But I do have homework to hand in tomorrow. First time.

I have been looking for work. So far I have only gone to GMM Grammy. I wrote up at letter and went with my friend who had to go for a casting call on another floor. The Grammy building is huge. 42 stories? Each floor has its own department of Thai media. Television studios, biggest music labels in the country, magazines... you name it. My friend Dave was casting the music video studio on the 24th floor. We came in, made our way past the models waiting in the hall, and talked to the receptionist who was thrilled to see him. I just listened and smiled. After we turned around for our turn to wait, she asked me what I was there for. I explained and she got really excited to help me. So she took my letters (complete with 1x1 snapshots of yours truly) and said she find me someone who needed a photographer or intern.
I would love to work there. It really is a cool place. Most of the staff is pretty young, wearing cut off jeans, sunglasses, and sneakers to work. Grammy isn't short on funding, so they really let the projects run wild. It would just be a cool place to work. I'll go back, with Dave, tomorrow. Not sure what we are doing, but we are going back. I'm also going to Sony BMG/Blacksheep Records in the next few days to do the same thing (apply, not dance and pose).
So, we waited for about an hour. Then they called us in. So at this point, Dan is also in the casting line-up. We went into a room filled with lights and wrote our names on a dry-erase board. Then we talked to the camera about ourselves, turned in circles, posed, and danced. All of this was not what I expected to be doing when I wanted to apply as an intern. They sent us off, we passed the lead singer from Clash in the hallway, and Dave and I went to the BTS.
Dave went home, I met P'Mo. We hung out at the office for a bit. She introduced me to the few people still around at 8pm, all from her team. Then I met the sales department, which offered me an internship. So at least I have that if I'm desperate to work. Finally Momo, her buddies, and I had dinner and dropped P'Tee at the airport. Fun night. We did get pulled over for turning the wrong way, but a 100baht bill got us out of a ticket.

I bought a TV. It was 4900 baht or $125. Now I can watch the news and have friends over to watch movies. Actually, I have to work on the movie part. I need either a way to run S-video from my computer, to the DVD tulips (new word I learned), or go buy a VCD player. Not sure yet.


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10/26/2006 1:46 PM  
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10/26/2006 1:47 PM  

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