
This last weekend I took some time and went up the the village. I left Friday morning with Tae, a teachers daughter who is studying at BU Rangsit Campus, at about 9. We got in and her mom, a teacher in the village came and picked us up on the highway. This weekend was the Sawat festival, so thousands of people came to the village. The resturaunt was pumping out hundreds, believe me, of styrofoam lunches for the police checkpoints alone. The sky was lit by search light thingys, stage lights, and fireworks, all three nights. Pretty wild.
We got to the village and I hung out for a while at the resturaunt. At 8 Tam, Yui's younger brother, and I went up to the temple grounds and watched the concert. Then we hung out with some other friends drinking beer, eating, and chatting until 11 or so. I was pretty tired so crashed as soon as I got home.
Next day was a mini parade. I got to hold the sign for อำเภอ (whats that called in English) Ungchin, which I had never heard of before. Hung out some more. Cruised around. Another concert and fireworks, while the tv station had a show on the main stage.
Sunday, was the big parade. Schools from all around Lampang and people from various areas entered floats and musical groups. Tam borrowed Yui's old camera and we went around taking pictures with P'Mo. Then kicked around for the day.
I VERY nearly got forced into dressing up and being a real highlight in the parade. Luckly, I was obligated to take pictures for Yui, so could not dress in the traditional Northern fashion. Cam however, had no camera...
Momo and I took off Sunday night and got back to BKK at 5:30. It really hurt coming back this time. Maybe because I knew what I was coming back to. Not really sure, actually.
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