My sister is out of the hospital. She taking meds to help with the seizures and MRIs to monitor what doctors are calling "the thing". I'm really glad I made time to get back and see everyone. Now that I'm back I wish I could have spent another week or two hanging out.

It's odd traveling in such a short time. Feels like I was gone much longer than eight days. At the moment my mind is floating between the two places like some sort of time warp. I think it might be an organizational issue; I just need more things on my schedule to feel busier and active.
My trip back was relatively uneventful. I had to get on my knees and beg a bit to keep my guitar from being sent down below. The problem came from using a full size hard case instead of a common guitar-shaped soft gigbag. The later is half the size, a quarter of the weight, and eight times easier to get past gate managers looking to save overhead compartment room. Besides all this, I nearly destroyed the guitar by not paying attention on a S-gate escalator in Seattle. The width of the escalators happens to be 1" smaller than the width of the case. I managed to get the case wedged and almost snap it in half.

I just opened my calender for the first time in almost two weeks. This next week is the last week of classes before the midterm. I'd known my midterms were on the 22nd, 27th, 28th, and 1st but I hadn't realized next week was the last before exams. I should really think about buying the textbooks and studying...
A mini-project was assigned in class yesterday. It's a 3-photo photo-essay using various color/contrast balance and composition techniques. The theme is urban patterns. At least I think that was it. Our professor doesn't give access to her PowerPoint slides like other professors. Luckily, my class is full of Computer Graphics students and a abundance of digital cameras: someone takes a picture of each slide then distributes them to the rest of the students later via email. I'm not sure what my subject is going to be yet but I need to finish shooting mid-week if I'm going to get prints done in time.
*Anyone using the Firefox browser (hopefully all of you) should really really check out one of the coolest add-ons there are: PicLens. Once you click the link, download, and restart Firefox, visit my Flickr page. Rest your cursor on a picture and click the play button. Or use it to browse Google Images. Great stuff.

it's good too hear that. i hope your sister gets better and better. take care.
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