Oct 25, 2006

I'm back.

My Trip

Every time I do the sixteen hour flight from Seattle to Bangkok it seems to get easier. I find myself thinking less and less of the flight. The the two day long flight takes me from one half of the world to another. The transpacific flight was a bully that stood in my way everytime I had to travel. The fight seems to have gotten easier or at least shorter. The same trip has started to feel more like a shuttle between my apartment and Seattle. No more exciting than getting on, putting change in the meter and waiting for the city bus to get close to your neighborhood. When you get close grabyour duffel bag and politely ask to get off. Or it could have been the sleeping pill I took that made it so easy. There's a good life lesson for me: drugs can solve my problems.

The United States of America. My trip was really very enjoyable. Just as relaxed as I had hoped it would be. I got to see everyone and relax with my family, which was just what I needed. Going between Seattle, Cinncinnati, Columbus, Massillion, Columbus Charlotte, and Port Townsend this time was very different. Seemed as though I was standing back watching it all happen. One of the big things was the cultural diferences. So many things are done, said, given, and taken differently in the states. Just different. Not bad, just different. I'm certain that I got a lot of good ideas from this trip, but for some reason I haven't been able to organize and sort those ideas yet.

I'll put some pictures up soon...

Tomorrow I spend the day getting my visa renewed and my stuff unpacked.


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