I saw "Narnia" with a friend yesterday. It was fun to see the book on screen, but like all books in movies, wasn't kind of thumbs down at times. We actually laughted at parts of the battle and "re-birth" of a dead lion as well as some pretty sore dialog. But it was fun.
What I want to see is "Dek Hor" (เด็กหอ). Looks like it should be well done. The producing staff are the same people who put together "Shutter" last year, at Phenomena Pictures. Shutter was wonderful so it'll be interesting how this compares. It will be released late next month.
Dek Hor http://www.dekhor.com/home.html make sure to click the little red arrow on the right.
Besides that main (Thai) trailer, there is this English one as well.
Oh, and its a Grammy film ;)

Chey, Rob, and now my sister Renee will be coming next month as well. Chey on the first, then Rob and Renee at the end of the month.
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