Jul 29, 2005

Garden City?

I haven't seen the gardens yet, but I'm sure they are around somewhere.

Right now I am across the street from the Royal Thai Embassy, and will pick up my visa (fingers crossed) at 2:00.

Singapore has been very interesting. Everyone speaks near flawless English lah. Its easy to get around, plenty to do, good food too. For some reason though, from the first hour I arrived, I seemed to be just waiting to get back to Thailand. No particular reason. I have 2 weeks of waiting to do when I get back. But I just don't seem comfortable here. I guess it is a bit of culture shock. Besides speaking English and Chinese, Singaporians have a very different way of doing things than Thais. Someone apologized to me for stepping on my foot while riding the subway! I constantly see 14 and 15 year old couples holding each other on the sidewalk on bus. Nothing wrong with any of this of course, just very different.

I have had a friend in Korat, Thailand, for about a year. She is a few years younger than me and egger to learn English. About 3 days before I left Thailand, she contacted her friend in Singapore. Long story short, I came out of the Singapore airport to be swept away by a 16 year old Thai boy. Hut has been going to school in Singapore for the last 6 years and knows the city pretty well.
So Hut and I have been hanging out a lot. Last night we went and hung out at the mall, near Orchard station. Then we went and saw The Island in a really nice theater. It was a pretty fun night. I think he will meet me pretty soon at the embassy, and we'll figure out what to do until my 8:00 flight.


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